SETAC EUROPE - German-Language Branch e.V. (SETAC GLB) is a regional branch of SETAC Europe. SETAC Europe again is a Geographic Unit (GU) of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), established to promote and undertake activities of SETAC in Europe. SETAC GLB provides an open forum in the region of Germany, Austria and Switzerland for scientists and institutions engaged in the study of environmental problems, management and regulation of natural resources, education, research and development, and manufacturing.
The first German language meeting of SETAC members was organised 1996 by Matthias Liess in Braunschweig. Around 170 scientists and students from academia, industry and authorithies joined this meeting which demonstrated the demand for such a fourm. Therefore, the SETAC German Language Branch was officially founded one year later in Aachen with Toin Ratte as its first president. Since then, the GLB organizes an annual meetings with up to 300 participants from Austria, Switzerland and Germany. This year the meeting will held in Frankfurt.
One of the main objectives of the GLB is to promote young scientists in the area of environmental sciences. With its annual meetings GLB offers them an easy and not expensive way to get in contact to other scientists of realated fields, maybe also to prospective employers, and to the international activities and networks of SETAC. Young scientiests are encouraged to present their work on these meetings and to contribute actively to the organization of the meetings. During the meetings, the best master and best Phd theses are honored by the GLB young scientists awards.
Since 2005 GLB offers - together with the German Society of Chemists (GdCh) - a post-gradual training course with a certificate ('Certified Ecotoxicologist’) after successful participation.